15 Best Movies Of 2020 (So Far)

Indie hits, blockbusters living up to the hype, and hidden gems...

By Cathal Gunning /

Okay, so it seems like the first half of this year has flown by.


Maybe it's the lack of cinema trips or the subsequent excess of spare time spent browsing through the offerings available on endless streaming services, but the opening half of 2020 has been a surreal time for film fans used to catching a new release every week or so. Now relegated to watching at home and online with cinemas the world over closed indefinitely, seasoned cineastes have never experienced a year quite like this one before.

Luckily, though, the studios are still pumping out endless exceptional offerings in amongst all the Fantasy Islands and The Boy 2s which have graced our small screens. Just look at this list of no less than fifteen superb flicks released this year, ranging from big budget blockbusters which transpired to be worth the wait all the way down to gritty indies which won over a big audience now that everyone has some more spare time to spend on cinema.

15. Out

The first flick we're spotlighting is also the lone short on this list, and it's highly recommended that you drop what you're doing and watch Pixar's delightful Out as soon as possible.


Back already? Easy to see how this one made this list, isn't it?

Touching, funny, and realized in the animation house's typically colourful, expressive style, Out is another superb bite-sized piece of cinema from the SparkShorts project which brought us last year's equally exceptional Kitbull.

But this one is also a slice of diverse cinema history, as it features the first LGBTQ+ protagonist in either a Disney or Pixar production, and it's hard to imagine a more graceful, imaginative, and poignant story for this landmark moment to be attached to.
