15 Iconic Final Shots Of Beloved Film Characters

We've got triumphant defiance of authority, a shocking villain reveal, plenty of ambiguity, adulation, mystery and, of course, so much beautiful imagery.

By Jack Pooley /

There's a lot at stake when composing the final shot of a movie: it needs to be impactful, and in the best case scenario, it can help cement a great movie's iconic status above all else. Who can forget a classic shot of cinema like the Star Child at the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey, for instance? But what about those iconic closing shots which focus specifically on movie characters we've been following throughout the movie and can't help but love? Whether they're inarguable heroes or simply bad guys we love to hate, these 15 indelible movie characters helped boost their movie's impact and iconic status with their presence in the closing image. We've got triumphant defiance of authority, a shocking villain reveal, plenty of ambiguity, adulation, mystery and, of course, so much beautiful imagery. Without these closing shots, each film would certainly still be a classic, but these perfect final shots helped hammer the brilliance home just a little bit more. When we think of these 15 movies, these 15 images are usually what's conjured up in our minds, a perfect reflection of everything each film is about. Are there any amazing closing shots we've missed that you love? Let us know in the comments!