15 Indie Horror Movies To Watch This Halloween

You'll laugh, you'll scream, you'll hurl.

By Jack Pooley /

Focus World

All Hallows' Eve is fast approaching, and it's typically that time of year where film buffs like to get in the mood by bingeing as many horror films as their eyeballs can handle.


Whether you're taking part in your own 31 Days of Horror challenge or are simply craving some savage genre flicks to get you ready for October 31st, these 15 horror films will absolutely do the job.

Rather than sing the praises of recent horror classics you've already seen like Get Out and It, this list will instead focus on lesser-known indie horrors, all of which are available on VOD platforms right now or will be before Halloween.


From surprisingly entertaining entries into classic horror franchises to demented homages to revered filmmakers and simply some of the most bloody, brutal and totally screwed up cinema you'll see for the remainder of the year, these horrors will stick with you long past Halloween.

So, grab a bowl of popcorn, pick out your Halloween costume and hunker down with the very best indie horror that 2017 has to offer...


15. Cult Of Chucky


2013's Curse of Chucky proved that the Child's Play franchise could have a bright, unlikely future going straight-to-VOD, and the latest entry, Cult of Chucky, totally cements it.

Never daring to take itself one iota seriously and packed with memorably grisly death scenes, the seventh Child's Play movie is boosted significantly by Brad Dourif's entertaining performance as Chucky, and his daughter Fiona returning to reprise her role of protagonist Nica Pierce.


There's a ton of fan service in here, from the concept of multiple Chucky dolls to cameos from franchise cast members, and the emphasis on practical effects over CGI is very much welcome.

Basically, this is about as good a Chucky movie as anyone could surely expect in 2017.
