15 Most Annoying Movies Of All-Time

Utterly intolerable from start to finish.

By Sam Hill /

You know how it is: you're sitting down to a film, and all of a sudden you feel something untoward happening in your body. You're not entertained or engrossed, which is what you expected to be having paid out to watch something, but - instead - you're feeling irked. The events depicted on-screen are causing you to feel negatively. It's a similar feeling to when your co-worker laughs at his own jokes. Or when you're forced to babysit on short notice. That's right... you're annoyed. The movie in question decided that, above all, it's going to be an inherently annoying experience to sit through. The cinematic equivalent of missing your train, or dealing with a rude shop assistant, or having a slow internet connection. Annoying movies come in all shapes and sizes, of course, and they've existed for as long as the medium has. A film doesn't have to feature crazy characters and terrible one-liners in order to irritate the masses, but hey - it certainly helps. Above all, though, an annoying movie ultimately cements itself as such because it lacks any kind of self-awareness; it's a film that is totally oblivious as to how embarrassing it's being, like a dad at a disco...
