15 Most Annoying Movies Of All-Time

15. The Hangover Part III

After the lazy rehash that was The Hangover Part II, The Hangover Part III arrived as a fully-fledged insult to fans of the comedy franchise. Gone was any of the creativity or humour to be associated with this series, replaced with a film that deals in nasty, cynical "jokes" and a careless tone that begged audiences to ask: "What's the point?" Aside from being terrible, however, The Hangover Part III is a plainly annoying movie about four (or five) very annoying people. Yes, in The Hangover Part III, the once beloved "Wolf Pack" make the transition from endearing to outright detestable, as they run through the motions in a movie that doesn't even feature a hangover as part of its plot. Even Mr. Chow, once a comic saving grace, enters the realms of intolerable here, whilst the picture itself doesn't even both to have jokes. It's a tedious and grating movie experience - one that goes as far as to define the term "anti-funny." Ugh.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.