15 Most Irritating Subplots In The Dark Knight Trilogy

From time-wasting plot MacGuffins to lame romances and every annoying subplot in-between...

By Jack Pooley /

There's no point denying the influence and impact of Christopher Nolan's acclaimed box office behemoth that is The Dark Knight Trilogy. It cemented the director's stature as one of Hollywood's most talented filmmakers, and reinvented Batman for a whole new generation, while at the same time distancing fans from their painful memories of Joel Schumacher's Batman And Robin. As far as blockbusters go, there are few that meld style and substance so well, but as they say, nobody's perfect. As entertaining and thoughtful as Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises are, however, they're not without their flaws, as evidenced by these 15 irksome subplots which simply drag each film down several pegs and detract from the fun. Batman Begins certainly feels like the most narratively water-tight of the three films in many regards, and hence doesn't show up much on this list, whereas the decidedly more ambitious and large-scale sequels are rife with bloated interludes intended solely to distend the run-time and evoke a more sprawling canvas. From side-stories that make little narrative sense to lame love stories, overlong divergences that just waste screen time and everything in between, here are the 15 most irritating subplots in The Dark Knight Trilogy.
