15 Most Irritating Subplots In The Dark Knight Trilogy
15. Bruce Goes Broke (The Dark Knight Rises)
The Subplot: Bane breaks into the Gotham Stock Exchange near the start of the movie and uses Bruce's fingerprints (acquired by Selina Kyle) to perform a transaction which bankrupts Bruce, causing him to be relieved of his position at Wayne Enterprises, resulting in custody of the fusion reactor project shifting to Miranda Tate, who of course is really working for Bane as Talia al Ghul. Why It's Irritating: Aside from being a hilariously convoluted way to get the fusion reactor in Bane's hands, the whole bankruptcy thing just doesn't make all that much sense. If terrorists attacked any stock exchange in the world, trades would be frozen to safeguard against exactly this kind of activity. Bruce would not have lost a single dime, and even if the trade had somehow been processed, it would have been reversed in mere hours when the market was re-opened. It's annoying because it treats the audience like morons. Sure, you could argue that debating stock exchange regulations misses the point of the scene, but it plays out like a teenager wrote it.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
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