15 Most Ridiculous MCU Controversies

Marvel brings out the racists.

By Jack Pooley /

When you make as much money and entertain as many people as the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there are always going to be those outliers who can't help themselves but start whining about something.


Over the course of eight years, thirteen movies and four TV shows, various controversies have been stoked, either due to plot points perceived to be "offensive", casting controversies, slips of the tongue made on the press tours and much more.

If nothing else, the fact that the scandals actually picked up traction is proof perfect that there are always enough people online to start a hate mob, and people with nothing better to do with their time.

Sure, a few of these controversies had legitimate issues worth raising, but it's the way that the complainers went about it that sealed their fates as bleating fools and nothing more. If everyone could just take a moment to remember that this is just silly superhero nonsense, we'd all be better for it.

Here are the 15 most ridiculous MCU controversies...

15. Loki's Treatment Offends Adopted People (The Avengers)

The Controversy: Thor attempts to distance himself from his brother's path of destruction in The Avengers by hilariously proclaiming "he's adopted!" This caused significant ire online with the "adoption community", who felt it as a slight against them and even started a petition demanding that Marvel Studios apologise to those offended.


Why It's Ridiculous: It was over-sensitivity to a ridiculous degree and completely missed the point of the joke: it wasn't ripping on adopted people but rather how quickly it allowed Thor to perform an about-turn on his apparently dear brother.

Plus, it's not like Loki's adoption is some flippant throwaway point in the MCU anyway: it's given significant screen time in the first Thor movie, and Loki's anguish at finding out the truth is well-realised.

The outrage largely stems from people projecting their own insecurity onto the movie. Nothing more, nothing less.
