15 Reasons Jurassic World Was Absolutely Perfect

Life found a way.

By Brendan Morrow /

For a while, it seemed basically impossible to make another sequel to Jurassic Park. It's one of the absolute greatest action/adventure films of all time, but the sequels were notoriously disappointing, totally failing to recapture the magic of the original movie. Over 20 years since Spielberg's masterpiece, and 10 years since the last sequel, it seemed like the franchise was just about dead. There would never be another good Jurassic Park.


Jurassic Park 4 had been toyed with for a while, but it was officially announced in 2013 as Jurassic World. Given how bad the last movie was, everyone was skeptical, and it didn't help that the franchise was being taken over by a director who had only ever made one film. But then it was revealed that the movie would be about a fully operational Jurassic Park opening up, and slowly fans began to get on board. Could this actually be good?

Not only is it good, but Jurassic World is one of the most thoroughly satisfying summer blockbusters in years. It completely lives up to the legacy of the original movie, and is without any doubt the best Jurassic Park sequel ever. It's full of thrilling action, awe inspiring visuals, memorable characters, and just about every single thing you'd want out of a sequel. Colin Trevorrow didn't just not destroy Jurassic Park; he made the movie every fanboy has been dreaming of for years.

Without delving heavily into spoilers, here are 15 reasons Jurassic World is absolutely perfect.

15. There's A Great Sense Of Discovery

One of the best things about the original Jurassic Park was its sense of discovery, something Spielberg is a true master at. In the first hour, there are so many magical scenes of seeing the island for the first time and constantly being wowed, exploring all the different facets of it with these characters. With the classic "Welcome to Jurassic Park" scene especially, there's nothing better than stepping into a fully realized world and feeling like you're discovering something truly special and unique. 


Those exact same set of emotions wash over the audience in the first act of Jurassic World. The idea of having a fully functioning park really breathes new life into this franchise, which had run out of steam by its second sequel. This time, you're actually seeing something you've never seen before but that every kid who grew up on Jurassic Park fantasized about. What would this really be like as a park? What if you could buy tickets and go there right now?

In fact, some of the best moments of the movie aren't even the exciting action beats. It's just feeling like you're a visitor at the park, walking around and looking at everything. The rides and attractions are all fully realized and creative, and stepping into this world will bring tears to the eyes of any true Jurassic Park fan.
