15 Worst Movie Moments Of 2017

It all comes back to the damn moustache.

By Jack Pooley /

Warner Bros.

No year in cinema can be perfect, and 2017 was certainly no exception. Even accepting the year's surprisingly decent number of superhero movies and the glut of enjoyable blockbusters, the last 12 months still forced film fans to suffer through their share of awful movie moments.


While, yes, most of these scenes do take place in movies that received mixed-to-negative critical responses, there's a good chance even more discerning viewers were blindsided by a few of them. From awful character decisions to tonally misjudged moments, laughably bad death scenes, lame reveals and aggressively bad dialogue, these 15 scenes represent the very worst that 2017's films had to offer.

In each case the bad scenes were easily avoidable with a little more diligence when it comes to writing, direction and acting. All 15 of these films suffered unnecessarily, and while the box office also took a hit in many instances, it's audiences who still suffered the most...


15. All The Dumb Characters - Alien: Covenant


Though Ridley Scott promised Alien fans that the new movie wouldn't repeat Prometheus' mistakes of thrusting a bunch of braindead crew members upon audiences, that's pretty much exactly what happened.

Here are just a few of Alien: Covenant's most head-smackingly dumb character decisions: not using Walter (Michael Fassbender) to scour the Engineer homeworld, the Covenant's crew not wearing helmets, Faris (Amy Seimetz) blowing the lander (and herself) up, Oram (Billy Crudup) willingly poking his head around a Xenomorph egg, and Daniels (Katherine Waterston) and Tennessee (Danny McBride) not realising the painfully obvious ruse that David has disguised himself as Walter.


Even if you're exceedingly generous and hand-waive some of this stupidity as acceptable under panic, there's still way too much idiocy going on here.