18 Most Terrifying Disney & Pixar Movie Moments


By Sara Weir /

Considering that the target audience of all Disney and Pixar movies is primarily children, the company's animators really know how to mess with bedtime. Even as adults, there are some Disney/Pixar moments that probably haunt your nightmares, so quite how Uncle Walt thought they were appropriate for kids is anyone's guess. What makes Disney movies so popular is the fact that they concentrate on raw emotions and tell universal, charming truths; mostly that good will always conquer evil. But they don't hide the fact that doing the right thing isn't always the easiest - or the least terrifying - path to take. They show you that people can be disloyal, treacherous and quite frankly, evil and don't shy away from portraying characters who have bad characteristics. They show the balance in the Force, in other words. And over the years, the studio (and little brother Pixar) have shown a frankly horrifying commitment to constructing scenes that will ruin your life...

18. Wonderland

Film: Alice In Wonderland The entirety of Alice In Wonderland is quite frankly, a bit bizarre. Not only does Alice have to become contorted to enter Wonderland but then she's also at war with the Queen of Hearts - in the sense that the Queen of Hearts is at war with everyone but herself. When she orders the punishment of beheading poor Alice who is only trying to make everyone see sense of the Queen's irrational and despicable nature, it all comes down to how fast Alice can run. Is she going to make it out of Wonderland or will the Queen's skivvies decapitate her? Your rational sense is screaming that Alice will be fine, but that is one intense chase and Alice only has little legs...