20 Best Movie Blu-Rays Of 2016

From new releases crammed with extra features to collector’s editions to satisfy your inner geek.

By Helen Jones /

Nothing quite matches the magic of seeing a movie on the big screen. The sound of hands scrambling for popcorn, the chorus of ‘shh, it’s starting!’ when the certification screen pops up, the boom of surround sound as the film begins to roll … but then you also have to put up with a theatre full of grunting, coughing strangers and the old battle for elbow room with whoever you end up seated next to.


That’s when the virtues of watching a movie in the comfort of your own home are obvious. Cinemas are a treat, but at home you’ve got the luxury of being able to pause a movie whenever you like to urinate, grab a beer or answer the door to pay for the mound of takeaway food you’ve splurged on to accompany your movie. And that’s why Blu-rays are so great: you can do all of this without having to sacrifice the quality of the movie viewing experience like we did back in the days when VHS was the only option.

If home movie viewing is your kind of heaven, you’re in luck because 2016 has seen some brilliant releases. We’ve rounded up the very best from anniversary editions and new releases crammed with extra features to collector’s editions bound to satisfy your inner geek.

20. Captain America: Civil War

Undoubtedly one of this year’s most popular movies, Captain America: Civil War not only scored itself a tonne of positive reviews but also raked in a whopping $1.153 billion worldwide and currently ranks as the highest-grossing film of 2016 so far. The Blu-ray release of the year’s most successful movie includes enough extras to keep any self-respecting Marvel maven entertained for a good few hours and enough informational featurettes to get newer fans up to speed with the events leading up to the thirteenth instalment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


Alongside a two-part documentary detailing the evolution of the Marvel saga and its characters, a scene-by-scene commentary with directors The Russo Brothers and screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely offers insider knowledge of the filmmaking process behind Civil War. On the lighter side of things, a gag reel featuring bloopers and outtakes provides a few laughs.
