20 Greatest Sidekicks In Film History

Because some people are meant to follow, not lead. And that's OK.

By Audrey Fox /

The criminally underrated Disney film Sky High was a charming little attempt to remove some of the stigma associated with being a sidekick. They use the term "hero support", and assure all those who are destined to play second fiddle that they have an important role and make many meaningful contributions. That said, it's impossible to argue that they are very frequently overlooked in favor of the heroes. But is that really fair? Don't they deserve much more credit than they usually get, both within the film from other characters and from the audience? In a lot of ways, the main characters in films are constrained by the fact that they, with very few exceptions, have to be the good guy. There€™s some variation, but they can be counted on to be noble, honest, and a number of other positive characteristics. So it€™s no surprise that the sidekick usually ends up being a lot more fun, because they€™re allowed to be things that the hero just can€™t. They can be funny, petty, sarcastic, rude, eccentric, and just generally much more interesting. So here€™s a salute to those underrated few whose job in life is to be a follower, and in doing so make their films just a little bit brighter.