20 Most Rewatchable Horror Movies Of All Time

Your movie night is sorted with these horror flicks!

By Angus Castle /

Horror movies – love them or hate them, they’re here to stay. After all, the genre has played a fundamental part of cinema history for over a century now so why stop?


What is it about the horror film that we’ve grown to love so much? Possibly, it’s the adrenaline rush some get from a well-done jump scare or perhaps others enjoy the mystery solving element that many thriller movies contain or maybe it’s the high levels of creativity and imagination that can be found in several of them.

Horror movies are an art form and there are so many different elements that go into making one, from realistic production values to having the ability to build suspense for the audience. The next step is whether the project is good enough to stand the test of time as a film which can continue to be as scary and thrilling as it was on its first release.

It’s tricky to achieve such success but the following entries on this list have proved themselves to be amongst the greatest horror films, ones which fans have frequently re-watched for how undeniably entertaining they are.

20. What Ever Happened To Baby Jane? (1962)

When you know of the major feud that occurred between Bette Davis and Joan Crawford during the making of What Ever Happened to Baby Jane, it enhances the film even greater.


These two women hated each other – pulling pranks, making catty remarks etc. but in the end, they made their competition work for the film and that’s ultimately why it was such a hit with audiences. The tensions, conflict and drama felt so real because it was literally real.

As a standalone without the added layers of hidden disputes, it’s still a terrific film. It’s the type of horror which sends your heart racing in the psychological way – Bette Davis plays a mentally ill woman so convincingly that it leaves you in constant anxiousness as to what her character may do next.
