23 X-Men Movie Mistakes You Probably Missed

It hasn't been all plain sailing for the X-Men franchise.

By Simon Gallagher /


It's a generally accepted assessment that the X-Men franchise is a successful one - aside from one blip and a couple of not so great spin-offs - which is precisely why X-Men: Days Of Future Past is easily one of the most hotly anticipated movies heading into the summer. But nobody ever said the franchise wasn't without its flaws.


Ignoring for a minute the fact that the X-Men time continuum is all over the place and the casting of Vinnie Jones, it's not really those mistakes that really matter. Instead, it's the errors that should get people fired - the continuity issues and bloopers, plot holes and mess-ups and idiotic logical inconsistencies that invariably go unpunished in even the biggest movies every year. These are the things that pull you out of the film world, and demand you ask questions that shouldn't ever be asked of a film - like questioning the qualifications of the script-writers...

To celebrate the impending release - and surely guaranteed quality - of Singer's new X-Men sequel, we're looking back at the biggest franchise mistakes and plot-holes that you might not have noticed.


23. The Incredible Floating Man - X- Men: First Class


During the sequence in which Sebastian Shaw takes it upon himself to deal with the newly recruited X-Men pre-formative team, and attacks the CIA research facility the first unfortunate soul he encounters finds himself on the sharp end of his super-strength as the former Nazi grabs him and tosses him into the air as if he weighs nothing.

Apparently, the throw was so easy because the man was indeed so light that he wasn't subject to the laws of gravity, since he never actually comes back down from the throw.
