25 Most Powerful Characters In MCU Movies (So Far)

Star-Lord? Are you kidding?!

By Simon Gallagher /

Power corrupts, as they say, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Luckily though, the primary rule of comic book movies determines that every force of corrupted power comes with an equal and opposite force of good. For darkness there is light. And for bad power there is good.


As the threats escalate into Phase 3 and more uniquely powerful characters are introduced, the picture of the power pyramid will no doubt change - particularly with massive powers like Hela, the Black Order and the Grandmaster all coming. It's an intriguing thought, but it doesn't change things just yet.

So which characters can claim bragging rights in the MCU power stakes?

Notable nods must go to War Machine, Black Panther, Spider-Man, Lady Sif and Wong - all are powerful, but not enough to break the top rungs of the ladder. They might yet.

Here are the top 25 most powerful characters introduced in Marvel's MCU movies so far...

25. Ant-Man/Giant Man

Sure, Ant-Man (and his occasional alter-ego Giant Man, though he hasn't yet been named in the franchise) is heavily reliant on a suit, but it never really stopped Iron Man being cherished as a supremely gifted individual.


Taking away the suit, you're left with a criminal with exceptional fighting skill (he was able to beat Falcon in hand-to-hand close combat), tenacity and resourcefulness (plus a close to genius level intellect). None of which are superpowers, of course, but they help as a foundation.

With the suit, his powers obviously extend to growing really big or growing really small, but with that comes a sub-set of powers: he's able to defy scientific logic and punch at the speed of a bullet; he can telepathically communicate with ants and most importantly he can enter the Quantum realm. Thus far, that last part hasn't been explored too much but it's a game changer.
