27 WTF Moments From The Human Centipede 3

Tom Six once again crosses the line as far as body fluid-based horror goes...

By Jack Pooley /

Who in their right mind sat through 2009's mind-bogglingly gross The Human Centipede and expected it would ever get a sequel, let alone end up as a trilogy? Well, writer-director Tom Six has somehow acquired enough financing to shoot and release a third film, which is available now on VOD platforms, unsurprisingly foregoing a traditional theatrical release. Further unsurprising is the fact that critics have been eager to rip into the film, which is by far the worst-reviewed entry into the series. Of course, these films are critic-proof in a sense, given that they're aimed at an incredibly specific audience who simply need to see the movie for themselves no matter what journalists say. Plus, they're hardly aiming for Oscars, right? As anyone who has actually seen the movie knows, it holds an easy claim to be one of the most disturbing films ever made, what with its depictions of grotesque torture, rape, dismemberment, and so on. Occasionally Six manages to mine some demented humour of his premise, though for the most part, it's just incredibly screwed up. If you'd prefer not to spend 102 minutes of your life sitting through it, here's a handy summary of The Human Centipede 3's most shocking, effed up and occasionally humourous moments...