5 Best Movie Theaters In The U.S.

By Bryan Hickman /

A great movie theater is more than nice seats, a big screen, and loud speakers; it's an environment, an atmosphere that enhances your moviegoing experience without detracting from the film itself. Since the early 1900s film has been a mass medium seen by large groups of people in a shared space. But why do we see movies in theaters anymore? It's commonplace to complain about seeing movies in theaters nowadays: tickets are overpriced, 3D is played out, annoying moviegoers text and talk during the movie, parents bring babies to R-rated movies and are shocked when they cry. The variety of options for watching movies in the "comfort of your own home" or car, or plane, or anywhere you'd like seems to be infinite, yet we keep coming back. 1.47 billion tickets are expected to be sold in 2013, the highest number since 2004. The vast majority of these tickets will be sold at chain multiplexes that either resemble shopping malls or are part of one. They all look the same, play the same kinds of movies, usher in crowds to their theaters like herds of sheep and escort them out the door when they're done. This list is dedicated to movie theaters that make you excited to see a movie on the silver screen, theaters that provide customers with a unique experience, theaters that don't just take your money but invite you in to experience the magic of movies together as an audience.
