Although a performance by a good actor can single-handedly save a film, unfortunately the inverse is very true as well. All too often an actor will sign on for a film that sounds promising, only to read the script and realize how bad the movie actually is. Once they face that realization, they can back out or they can stick it through and hope that the movie isn't such a bad shipwreck that it sinks their career. There's a wide spectrum as to how actors feel about the projects they embark on: some carefully select their films, choosing only the ones that they think will move their career forward. Others don't really care about the nature of the film, so much as that it has a big paycheck. These "talents" are actors like Nicholas Cage, who cruise on their reputation because of a few good performances, so they feel entitled to take on any project with a big enough paycheck. 2012 saw way too many actors choose to stick out the bad films and hope for the best. While one badly reviewed summer flop won't necessarily sink a career, it's the kind of thing that you want to tuck away on Blu-Ray DVD and not speak of again. It's also the kind of thing that you hope gets swept away by a better film you made the same year- hence the reason many actors take on multiple films in the same calendar year. With 2012 having its fair share of flops and horribly reviewed movies, these are the actors and actresses that have proven themselves before with great performances. This year, they took calculated risks and the result was a terrible movie that will stand out on their resume.