1. Liam Neeson - Taken 2

Liam Neeson is an Oscar-nominated actor who has appeared in multiple highly ranked films. He's had a great run over the past 10 years, playing a memorable villain in Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy and putting out a string of action films that have set him up as a legitimate action hero. Perhaps the most memorable of Neeson's recent action films was 2009's Taken, the story of a father with a "particular set of skills" who opts to kick ass instead of taking names, while rescuing himself and his wife from a prostitution ring. With a relatively unique storyline and high-speed action throughout, Taken was a surprise hit at the U.S. box office where it made $144.9M. So what does Fox do three years later? They release the aptly named Taken 2, aptly named because it is the exact same plot. Neeson's daughter is again kidnapped, this time after carelessly walking around Istanbul. Only difference is her mother is kidnapped too, begging the question of how a CIA operative like Neeson could forget to tell both of the women in his life not to trust strange men. Taken 2 made less than it's predecessor, yet with $138.5M, it was still one of the most successful films this fall. However it was critically panned though, hopefully ending the notion of a Taken franchise. Because God knows we don't need to see Grandpa Neeson rescuing his granddaughter from the second cousin of the Albanian sex ring's leader.