5 More Awful Films That Are Actually Really Good

By Dolan Reynolds /

About two weeks ago I wrote an article about some films that are generally considered awful even if they're actually very entertaining and well made. Every entry on my last list was a sequel except for one entry so I decided to make another list and avoid sequels as much as possible, with just the one exception this time. The criteria for my list was based on as many "worst films of all time" lists as I could find, how much I hear about how terrible these movies are and if Mark Kermode, my favorite critic, hated the film or not. Like the first list, if a film is "so bad it's good" then it doesn't count - those chosen for inclusion here must be genuinely great movies that have a poor reputation as being awful. Without further ado I present to you 5 more awful films that are actually really good.

5. Quantum of Solace

I'll go ahead and start with the sequel. Yes, Quantum of Solace isn't as good as Casino Royale or Skyfall but it doesn't deserve its reputation as one of the worst Bond films in history. As beloved and amazing as Bond is there have been some very poor films dedicated to the character: Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan got it right once with The Spy Who Loved Me and Goldeneye while every other of the seven and four times they played the character they produced films much worse than Quantum of Solace. Daniel Craig has been pitch perfect as Bond in every film he's played him in with Quantum of Solace being no exception. He continued to reinvent the character in a way that he had started with Casino Royale and has, so far, created the edgiest and roughest Bond yet with Quantum of Solace's Bond being the toughest of any Bond ever brought to the screen. The shaky camerawork is unnecessary in some places but the story is quality 007 and the film presents an excellent 21st century Bond.