5 Reasons A Ridley Scott Alien Prequel Would Be Amazing

By Dolan Reynolds /

Like every committed Alien fan out there I went to see Alien: Resurrection last November with an open mind after the mediocre Alien3. "It can't be bad" I told myself. "Joss Whedon wrote it so the script will be amazing," I assured myself. While I've been denying the fact that it was awful for a few months now I can't lie to myself any longer. Alien: Resurrection was terrible. But that doesn't means I don't still have hope for the franchise. Why would anyone stick with such an abusive relationship though, you may ask? Well, Frankly it's because I remain committed that, hopefully very soon, Ridley Scott will return. Obviously there's nowhere to go but backwards since the film's heroine, Ripley, has been dead for two installments now, so a prequel makes perfect sense. If Ridley Scott returns we can be assured that the series will be on the right track again and back to the territory that made it such a phenomenon in the first place. Every other film in the franchise lacked the claustrophobic element of terror that made the original the best of the series and we know full well that Scott can bring the franchise back to its original more horror based roots instead of action. Here are the 5 reasons why a Ridley Scott Alien Prequel will be amazing...