5 Reasons Machete Kills Again...In Space Should Happen

By Jon Manson /

The fact that the first Machete was ever made into a feature film was something of a miracle. It started life as a simple fake trailer meant to tag along for the ride that was Quentin Tarantino's and Robert Rodriquez's double feature, Grindhouse. It ended up being the few minutes of the whole three hour cinematic experience that people responded to the most. A few years later, love from fans lead to Danny Trejo's first lead role as...Machete. Two sequels were planned, the first of which hit theaters this year. It didn't light up the box office, so most can assume a third outing to finish the trilogy shouldn't be expected. In light of not many people showing up to see Machete on the big screen, the "fake trailer" for Machete Kills Again...In Space recently landed online giving us a glimpse at the vision for Machete's final mission. No matter how you feel about the second film (or if you've even seen it), Machete Kills Again...In Space looks like the exact kind of campy glory Machete needs to end his reign of terror at movie houses. Here's five reasons Machete Kills...In Space should happen...