5 Reasons Why The Avengers Is Better Than The Dark Knight Rises

Why The Avengers is superior to Chris Nolan's Batman trilogy.

By Matt Aspin /

We recently published our list of the 100 Greatest Comic Book Movies Of All Time. Predictably the list split our readers right down the middle as comic book fans are notoriously vocal about their favourites and why one hero is better than another. The biggest argument however was not that Catwoman was placed at 100 (we had to fill 100 spots for goodness sake, cut us some slack) but the fact that we placed The Avengers at number one over the technically superior The Dark Knight. Yes, it's fair to say that The Dark Knight is a better movie on the whole, but the criteria for the list was the best comic book adaptations and in that respect The Avengers was superior. But if you think about it, isn't The Avengers a superior comic book movie to all of Nolan's trilogy? This writer thinks so, but because he's also a MASSIVE Batman fan he's also added a nice counter argument underneath each point. That should help him avoid being hunted down by rabid Bat fans!

5. Fun Factor

Avengers is, simply put, a fun feel good movie that is accessible to anyone and everyone. Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises are not. They are much darker, often bleak and more sombre in tone and will alienate anyone looking for a traditional popcorn action flick. Would you be more likely to take your kids to see Iron Man and Hulk battle Loki and some Aliens or would you want them to sit through the trials and tribulations of Bruce Wayne as his friends are murdered and his back is broken? We're not saying that Nolan's movies aren't equally exciting, and fun for pure comic book readers what we're arguing here is that Avengers is a far more enjoyable movie going experience. Counter Argument: The Avengers may be fun but it's simply a giant toy commercial. Parents will go see it over The Dark Knight Rises and then they will then go out and buy the action figures as well as the much more kid friendly DVDs that explain the lead characters origins. Chris Nolan sacrifices 'fun' per se to make the Batman movie we needed after the camper than average Schumacher movies.