5 Reasons Why We Don't Need Ghostbusters 3

They came, they saw, they kicked its ass... and we really don't need to see them again.

By Geoff Cox /

Ghostbusters3 It€™s almost mind-blowing that three decades have passed since the original Ghostbusters came out. In the quarter century since its successor came out in 1989, fans have been clamoring for a third film to bring the band back together again. However, with the passage of time, the film€™s prospects have only managed to shift away from what fans really want, whether they willingly acknowledge it or not. While Dan Aykroyd €” bless his heart €” continues to push hard for the film to finally see the light of day, mainly as a way to €œpass the torch€ to a new generation of Ghostbusters, it may just be best to keep the franchise at what it is rather than let it deflate fans€™ hopes even faster than Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. With the two films€™ 30th and 25th birthdays now behind us and the first film set for a theatrical re-release in August, let's take a look at five reasons why we really don't need another answer to "Who you gonna call?"