5 Simple Ways We Can Improve Our Moviegoing Experiences

There are simple things we can do to make every movie-watching experience more enjoyable. Here's how...

By Alan Howell /

It's not something that we like to think about, but it's true: complaining comes with the territory of being a film buff. After all, when you're passionate about something, it's going to upset you when you see that thing being done badly. Alas, science-fiction author Theodore Sturgeon's claim that "ninety percent of anything is crap" is just as true for film as it is for everything else. Therefore, we film-lovers encounter a ton of cinematic garbage while looking for gems. Naturally, we're going to complain when we come upon yet another tritely-plotted, poorly-acted, badly-directed piece of junk. Have you ever considered, however, that we film-lovers sometimes sabotage ourselves? We sometimes go to a movie with negative preconceptions. Such movies might include a sequel to a bad movie, a lead role acted by an actor we hate, or a film helmed by a director that we've deemed horrible. In other words, we sometimes convince ourselves that we're going to hate a movie before we watch it. Therefore, we fail to give the movie a fair chance. Yes, we film-goers have just as many negative experiences as good ones. This doesn't have to be the case, however. There are simple things we can do to make every movie-watching experience more enjoyable. In this article, we'll look at five such ways.