5 Simple Ways We Can Improve Our Moviegoing Experiences

5. Totally Immerse Ourselves In The Pre-Release Materials

Previews Of Coming Attractions1

The Internet has made the 21st century the greatest time to be a film-lover. Back through most of the 20th century, a movie-goer wouldn't know anything about an upcoming film beyond the trailer. Sure, you could subscribe to magazines like Variety or The Hollywood Reporter, but nobody really subscribed to such magazines (unless you were a Hollywood player). Now, thanks to the 'Net, that once-elusive information is now at the fingertips of anyone with a computer. We need to take advantage of this. We should be soaking up every trailer, bit of casting information, plot theory, etc. that we can find, particularly about the movies we're looking forward to. Doing this will help build our anticipation for the film, making us more open to being entertained when the moment of reckoning (seeing the movie) comes.
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Alan Howell is a native of Southern California. He loves movies of any and all kinds, Hollywood, indie, and everywhere in between. He loves pizza, sitcoms, rock and pop music, surfing, baseball, reading, and girls (not necessarily in that order).