5 Things That Must Be The Future of Horror Movies

By Chris Haigh /

Scream movies did over fifteen years ago) and make them much stronger, darker and most importantly... scarier.

5. More Inventive Deaths

Death is part and parcel of the horror world - and even if no blood is spilled on screen it's everywhere, in the very DNA of the genre. It's a shame then that originality and inventiveness has fallen from grace in the film genre. Stabbing is so last century and no one in horror really shoots anyone any more, do they? Still, what I'd love to see is a return to the inventive method of horror - where anything and everything could be potentially used as a weapon. We've seen things like microwaves, hockey bats, drills and other everyday objects being the tools to many unlucky peoples' demise and while they're often eschewed in favour of the more conventional 'scary' weapons, it's somehow more frightening for an object that we see everyday and that we don't suspect of being dangerous, being used against us, like in the superior Final Destination flicks.
