5 Villains To Bring The DCEU Into A New Era

A megalomaniac, Brainiac and just a plain maniac are part of the key to reviving the DCEU further...

By Micheal Capdor /

The DCEU has not quite been the shining star that DC Comics fans have hoped for. Littered with false starts and bloated storylines, the films have disappointed fans in the majority of circumstances but could it perhaps be the complete lack of depth shown by the villains that is the problem.


When you look back at the films the DCEU has offered, there is only one villain whose plan was thoughtful and had any sort of meaning behind it and that is with Zod in the first of the DCEU films.

The key to any good story is the need to overcome adversity and that need can not be fulfilled where the villain is lacklustre. With that being said, perhaps the right villains, used in the correct ways would breathe new life into the DCEU.

5. Eobard Thawn/Reverse Flash

Rebooting has been spoken about often with the DCEU, perhaps the best way to open the door to an in universe reboot is by incorporating the concept of time travel with the introduction of Reverse Flash.


The Reverse Flash is the inadvertant cause of the Flashpoint Paradox which is one of the most acclaimed events in comic book history. The villainous Eobard Thawne of the 25th century acquires access to the SpeedForce by reenacting the experiment that led to The Flash receiving his powers. He then uses this power to travel time via the Cosmic Treadmill eventually causing the death of The Flash's wife Iris Allen.

Now this storyline would be impractical given the current state of the DCEU, however it could be tweaked so that the Reverse Flash travels time and causes chaos by altering the past leading to a reshaping of the DCEU. Because of these abilities and his desperation to befriend The Flash and later destroy him, Reverse Flash could prove a formidable and difficult to vanquish foe.

Leading to a longer term storyline and having the power to decimate the entirety of the current timeline with the vast array of abilities granted to him by the SpeedForce.
