5 Ways The DCEU Should Continue After The Suicide Squad

Can DC go from making sporadic hits to sustaining consistent success?

By Max Everett /

Starting off with Zack Snyder's Man of Steel, it was hard to describe Warner Bros.' DC Extended Universe as anything but an attempt to copycat the success of Disney and Marvel Studios' Marvel Cinematic Universe.


It made sense to try and replicate the success of the franchise, seeing as DC too had a plethora of iconic and waiting-in-the-wing characters with rich stories to tell.

The execution of their DCEU however has been questionable and inconsistent, ranging from drastic differences in theatrical and extended cuts of movies, such as Batman V Superman, to the complete horror show that came from the development of 2017's Justice League.

The DCEU has shown significant improvement with its latest projects, with Zack Snyder's Justice League and The Suicide Squad both garnering a largely positive response.

However, there is a long way to go before DC can well and truly call their sprawling cinematic universe a success. Here are five ways they could go to make that a reality...

5. Establish Long-Term Storytelling

Marvel spent the better part of ten years establishing a destination for their ride, culminating in the box-office hit that was Avengers: Endgame. Part of why DC have been unable to make their universe click is the lack of definitive and long-term storytelling.


There has never been a clear destination for the movies since Batman V Superman and this can be partly attributed to the lack of faith in Zack Snyder's vision for the universe. DC need to start implementing long-term storytelling if they continue to crave a cinematic universe, as all the characters need to have a bonding point.

DC is full of big bad bullies such as Brainiac who they can fall upon to bring their band of heroes together, and this should be the starting point for their long-term plan to keep the fans invested.
