5 Words That Need To Be Dropped From The Geek Lexicon

Geeks must retire these words and give other terms some shine!

By Jason O. Logan /

I write for a pop culture website so obviously I€™m immersed in pop culture, fandom, geekocracy, whatever you want to call it. I truly like it because it€™s fun meeting a kindred spirit over the internet whom I can argue about the merits, or demerits, of the Green Lantern movie versus the Fantastic Four duology or why Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is criminally forgotten when compared to its preceding and succeeding movies. Next to crafting a new costume for cosplay during an upcoming con those discussions slash arguments are nerd nirvana for me but every Eden has its snake unfortunately. My serpent or serpents if you prefer are five words that need to be dropped from the geek lexicon because of overuse in four cases and just plain wrong in one. I€™m not saying that these words are not adequate or appropriate when they are used to describe an event in geek culture but, my god; they need to be retired to give other terms some shine and again one needs to be erased from existence. I realize these words are shorthand that cut to the meat of one€™s opinion but they€™ve also been invoked so much they have no bite anymore. A culture where many can rattle off the titles of all seven Harry Potter books, knows the significance of Action Comics #1, and coherently breakdown the flaws of Prometheus can invest a little time in pulling up a thesaurus to find other words or create a new meme as well. Huh, meme? Maybe another word for extinction on the next list.