6 Awesome But Often Forgotten Movies By Famous Directors

Give the following movies another once-over. You're a wonderful person, after all. You deserve a treat.

By Cameron Carpenter /

Now, realize, this isn't an obscure list by any means. It's probable you've both seen and heard of these films. The point of this list is to bring up the fact that these are movies that are often forgotten and not mentioned in the same breath as the other highlights of these directors' careers. However, if you're ever given the chance to get a box set of a specific director's finest works, these are the films you may find may not make the cut, even though the may be in the same vein as the more "well-known" or "well-received" movies you could name off the cuff. Give the following movies another once-over. You're a wonderful person, after all. You deserve a treat.

6. The Man Who Wasn't There (The Coen Brothers)

Gets Lost in the Shuffle Of: The Big Lebowski, No Country For Old Men, Fargo, O Brother Where Art Thou?, Raising Arizona A movie with a stellar cast and a solid, sedated performance by Billy Bob Thornton, The Man Who Wasn't There was released in 2001 and pretty quickly forgotten by Coen brothers fans. However, it's a gloriously shot film (a contemporary shot in black and white) and features a stellar screenplay by the brothers that follows a classic noir format. It's not difficult to see why it's forgotten; it sometimes feels a bit less like the average Coen brothers flick. It's not as pervasive, quick-witted, emotionally explosive, or violent as their other movies, but it's a real, slow-trotting treat to come back to again and again.
"I don't know where I'm being taken. I don't know what I'll find, beyond the earth and sky. But I'm not afraid to go. Maybe the things I don't understand will be clearer there, like when a fog blows away. Maybe Doris will be there. And maybe there I can tell her all those things they don't have words for here."