6 Best Uses For Henry Cavill In DCEU's Future

Superman's Returned. Hopefully clean shaven this time...

By Tim Goodings /

We recently heard how Henry Cavill had signed a new contract with Warner Bros. to appear as Superman in more films in the future. It's probably no surprise this came in the wake of the Snyder Cut being announced for HBO Max next year, suggesting that the studio is eager to continue working with the, admittedly shaky, continuity so far established.


Whether or not that continuity is in line with the theatrical cut of Justice League, or Snyder's streaming-only version, remains to be seen, but it does bode well for those of us that want to see Cavill continue his work in the cape and tights. Although the films in which his Superman has appeared haven't been so well received so far, Cavill's performance is rarely questioned (upper-lip-hair notwithstanding) showing that if given the chance, he could give us the version of the character we deserve.

While there's currently no official word on a Man of Steel sequel, with Cavill's return being compared to Mark Ruffalo's Hulk - co-starring in other heroes' solo films and team-ups, with a broader arc taking place over several movies - we still don't know which future movies he might appear in, or how he might be utilised in the DCEU going forward.

But given Warner Bros' track record with the character, we have no reason to assume they're going to get it right....

6. A Mentor In A Supergirl Solo Movie

Zack Snyder planted the seeds of a future Supergirl appearance way back in Man of Steel, with an opened pod visible in the background at the Fortress of Solitude. While having refuted this claim in the past, he recently changed his mind in the wake of the Snyder Cut announcement, even declaring that Supergirl herself will appear on HBO Max in his new cut of Justice League.


Separately, there have been talks in the past few years of a Supergirl movie in development as part of the DCEU, and it would seem like a missed opportunity not to cast, and introduce the character in the Snyder Cut, even if only as an amuse-bouche to her own movie.

But importantly, the character of Supergirl, while fleshed out well enough in her own right, exists because of, and was inspired by, her cousin Superman. With Cavill's future more secure as the man of tomorrow, why not place him as Supergirl's mentor in the movie, showing her the ropes and teaching her how to use her powers?

Considering that Superman was forced to kill his only other Kryptonian brethren in Man of Steel, the impact on him having not only someone of his own species, but indeed his own family, with him on Earth, would be a truly interesting sub plot for Cavill to play.
