6 Shocking Signs Batman V Superman Could Actually Be Good

The kryptonite of rubbish Superman movies is, well, kryptonite.

By Alex Leadbeater /

Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice is a risky prospect. Simultaneously a sequel to Man Of Steel (the Superman reboot that underperformed critically and commercially) and setting up the mammoth DC Extended Universe (the Distinquished Competition's attempt to compete with the MCU), all the while pitting the two biggest superheroes in the world against each other, it pretty much needs to be pulled off without even a single mis-fired laser-eye blast. I've not been shy about my feelings towards this movie in the past, but, of course, like the morality presented by the film's (first) titular character, things are typically more grey than black and white. And while there's a lot of Dawn Of Justice that looks iffy at best, through that there are a few lights that may show the way - elements of the film that actually offer some hope for the first big super-smackdown of 2016. Don't get me wrong; my expectations aren't high and my key reservations still stand (yes, I still think Jason Momoa's Aquaman is so laughable he basically becomes adorable). But in the interests of taking a corporately-mandated break from cynicism, today I'm taking a look at Batman V Superman with a sheen of optimism to see what is in there to get hype for.