6 Star Wars: The Force Awakens Theories You Probably Haven’t Heard

Rey's real name is what? And the Knights of Ren are who!?

By Dan Woburn /

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has been out for almost two weeks now, and chances are many of you reading this are on your second, third or even fourth viewings. Many of us are excusing multiple visits if only to keep an eagle-eye out for some new nugget of information that might give us some much-craved answers to the myriad of mysteries that JJ Abrams has set up to purposefully drive us up the wall. We all know the typical theories by now; Rey is Luke's daughter, Rey is Han and Leia's other kid, Snoke is Darth Plagueis, the list goes on. The internet is going absolutely barmy with the not-knowing, and in today's information-overload culture, we're subjected to these rumours and suppositions far too often than what'd be considered 'healthy'. So much so, that inevitably fans are poring over every inch of The Force Awakens, picking up on the tiniest details and building mountainous revelations out of molehill-sized evidence. There are theories floating around that are so intensely wrapped in tinfoil that even being near a microwave would cause an electromagnetic pulse. All wafer-thin analogies aside, some enterprising fans have come up with really intriguing, blindsiding theories. No matter how small the evidence to support their wild conjecture, the evidence exists nonetheless. Have a read for yourself and let us know which ones you agree with (or don't) in the comments below!