6 Star Wars: The Force Awakens Theories You Probably Haven’t Heard

6. Kylo Ren Is On An Undercover Mission

This one isn't the craziest theory I've ever heard, but does seem to be catered to the crowd who are desperate to see Kylo Ren redeem himself. The theory (attributed to Leticia Pirouteck on Tumblr) concerns Kylo Ren choosing to turn to the Dark Side in order to help the Light. His mission, as set to him by his once and future master, Luke Skywalker, is to kill Snoke - the archfiend of the corrupt side of the Force. This explains why when he talks to Vader's helmet, he speaks of "finishing what started" - namely, what began with Grandad dashing Palpatine into a bottomless hole. Ren feels the "seduction" of the Light Side because that is where his true allegiance lies. Snoke would sense a rat from a mile away, one would imagine, so in order to fool him, Ben Solo turns himself completely and utterly over to the Dark Side. He has to sacrifice his family and his past, and the best way to convince the new boss of his loyalty is obviously by killing his pops, Han Solo. Which he does. That's why he asks for his father's help in their climactic scene; he needs the final push to go to that dark place from which he's unlikely to return. And when Han tells him he'll do anything, Ben gets the "blessing" he needs in order to complete his secret mission. In this instance, if Kylo Ren strikes Han Solo down now, Ren will become more powerful than Snoke could possibly imagine. Powerful enough to win his trust and stab him in the back at the first opportune moment. It's a pretty cool theory, albeit one that will strain against your logistical reasoning. I for one am all for it, as a sucker for a good redemption story.

Cinephile since 1993, aged 4, when he saw his very first film in the cinema - Jurassic Park - which is also evidence of damn fine parenting. World champion at Six Degrees of Separation. Lender of DVDs to cheap mates. Connoisseur of Marvel Comics and its Cinematic Universe.