7 Awesome Movies With Bittersweet Endings

By J.D. Westfall /

Let me be honest... I hate happy endings. Nothing ruins an otherwise great story like a sappy, completely unrealistic ending, especially if the movie all along has been dark and intense. Sure, some movies a happy ending fits (fairy tales, etc), but otherwise I find them capable of totally ruining and otherwise epic story. Of course, I also don't much like dismal, dreary movie endings. You know how sometimes they tack on a depressing ending for no reason other than to destroy your day? Yeah, I don't like those much either. So what, you may be asking, do I like seeing at the end of a movie? For my money, a bittersweet ending is the way to go. One that isn't overtly happy, but does have just a hint of something dark still looming. Or if it does seem to be a sad ending, have one bright spark awaiting the characters. So for today's article, I'll be reviewing seven movies that had particularly effective bittersweet endings. But beware! Spoilers be here!

7. Up

Up Pixar's huge hit 'Up' is best known for its brilliant 10-minute montage at the beginning, showing the life, romance, and eventual death of Ellie Fredericksen. After the opening 10 minutes, most people's memory of the film gets a bit hazy because, come on, there's no way they could ever top the beginning. However, as tragic as the beginning is, Up still doesn't have a 100% cheerful ending. The majority of the plot has Ellie's now-widower husband flying their house to South America thanks to a horde of balloons. Unfortunately, a boy scout is hiding in the house and gets dragged along. Upon arrival in South America, they set out to take the house to the peak of Paradise Falls, one of the largest waterfalls in the world (though it's supposedly based off Angel Falls in Venezuela, it also bears a striking resemblance to Kaieteur Falls in Guyana). Along the way, they are abducted by a deranged explorer searching for a legendary bird that everyone doubts exists, and his army of trained, speaking dogs. The Bittersweet Ending: While the story ends with Carl and the boy scout Russell escaping the deranged explorer, rescuing the bird, and getting back home in the explorer's airship, there is a moment where Carl must sacrifice his home and everything he has ever owned in order to save Russell. So sure, he gains a new (and awesome!) home in the form of a zeppelin, it has cost him all his belongings, his dreams, and even the scrapbook and photos that his wife left him.