7 Awesome Supervillain Costumes In Movies (And 7 That Sucked)

By K.J. Stewart /

After writing a similar article about superhero costumes in movies which garnered a lot of reader input, I've decided to write a villain version. Getting the on-screen appearance of an iconic comic book villain right is half the battle. If they look good, there's a bigger likelihood that they'll be taken more seriously and if they don't, they've got a tough task ahead of them convincing audiences that they're a legitimate threat to the heroes they idolise. It's not the be all and end all, of course - plenty of villains have looked great and been portrayed horrifically, while some of the best portrayals of villains have come from actors who were dressed appallingly - but looking good is always a great starting point. With that in mind, here are seven awesome supervillain costumes in movies and seven that sucked (there's no room for mediocrity here)...

7. Green Goblin (Spider-Man)

The armour worn by Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin was fantastic. I mean, the character as a whole was great but the way he looked in costume just topped it off beautifully. The metallic green armour had a rippled torso and a terrifying looking headpiece and granted Norman Osborn enhanced the physical strength and a large degree of physical protection and durability. The fact that it came with a very cool "Goblin-Glider" which enabled him to fly quickly and gave him great manoeuvrability just added to the level of epicness. The costume as a whole also houses a series of weapons, such as concealed blades and Pumpkin Bombs.