7 Most Overlooked Films of the 2000s

This list will hopefully either inform you about a movie you have missed, or make you remember a movie you meant to see but never got around too.

By Jeremy Sollie /

In the course of a year, hundreds of movies are released. No man, however little of a life he might have, can see them all. Some bad movies are watched by a lot of people, and some good movies are watched by no one. Some great movies have the misfortune to be pitted against a massive movie on its release date and end up buried under a behemoth, never to see the light of day. And it isn't just independent films or micr0-budget movies that have this problem. There are some very popular actors who have appeared in movies that bomb. Some of those are justified, but some of them aren't. This list will hopefully either inform you about a movie you have missed, or make you remember a movie you meant to see but never got around too. And if there is a film you think was overlooked and it isn't mentioned here, list it in the comments.

7. Stranger than Fiction

You wouldn't expect any movie that stars Will Ferrell to end up on this list, and yet here we are. Stranger Than Fiction is one of the most refreshingly original movies of the past couple years, and yet no one really talks about it. Ferrell plays a man named Harold Crick who begins hearing a voice narrating his life. He eventually finds out the voice belongs to a famous writer who is known for killing off her main characters. Crick doesn't want to die, so he attempts to track down the author and convince her to spare his life. Stranger Than Fiction is one of the few movies that absolutely nails voice over. So many movies completely butcher voice over, using it as a way to tell us how a character is feeling without having to show it. In this case, the voice over is nonchalantly narrating a man's life without knowing that the man can here it, and it works very well. The movie also has an inventive style to it that is present from the opening credits. The direction from Marc Forster is flashy but in service of the story. Ferrell gives a great performance, as do the supporting cast, featuring talent like Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson. I'm not sure whether most people haven't seen Stranger Than Fiction, or if they have and just don't talk about it. If it's the latter, that is disappointing. This is a movie that deserves to be seen and talked about. So see it and talk about it!