7 Upcoming Movie Trailers That Are Probably Tricking You

Never trust Hollywood.

By Jack Pooley /

There is an undeniable art to making a great movie trailer, which sometimes can be indicative of the end product (say, Guardians of the Galaxy), and other times merely does a fantastic job of manipulating potential audiences with gorgeous images and popular music (Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad).


A great trailer is a great trailer, but consumers should avoid buying into the hype hive-mind too much and approach them with a critical mindset, not forgetting that they're primarily concerned with getting your butt in a cinema seat at all costs.

We've seen time and time again how studios misrepresent movies to trick audiences into handing over their cash, and these ones have each set off a few alarm bells...

7. It's Not As Funny As It Looks - Justice League

Last year's Comic-Con teaser trailer for Justice League emphasised how much lighter and funnier the film will apparently be than the widely-lambasted Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.


The exchanges between Bruce Wayne and, well, just about everyone (especially The Flash) imply a tonal shift towards the less-serious and more akin to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, apparently in response to complaints that Batman v Superman was too relentlessly dour.

But it's worth considering that Justice League began shooting just three weeks after BvS hit screens, which certainly wasn't enough time to re-tool the entire script tonally and move away from the "grimdark" mood that has plagued the DCEU so far.

It's entirely possible that funnier scenes, such as the ones in the teaser, were added into the film during shooting, but it's probably best to expect the core film to still be far away from the tonal brilliance of the MCU.

Expect plenty of moping and brooding, which Warner Bros. will likely continue to downplay in the movie's trailers after learning their lesson with BvS.
