7 Upcoming Movie Trailers That Are Probably Tricking You

6. The Singing Is All Autotuned - Beauty & The Beast

logan hugh jackman

Though the marketing for Disney's upcoming live-action adaptation of their animated classic has been mostly on point, it's definitely a bit strange that the trailers have barely featured any actual singing at all, considering how big a part of the movie it will inevitably be.

In fact, only the Golden Globes TV spot has shown any of the cast singing, and many fans were subsequently dismayed to hear that Emma Watson's vocal rendition has been horrendously auto-tuned.

Perhaps Disney have kept fairly quiet about the musical aspect because they're aware it's rougher than they hoped for and have had to resort to digital manipulation to iron out some of the performances.

Maybe it's just Watson or there's another technical explanation for it, but it's definitely more than a little worrying. If this isn't the case, Disney should release a full song clip ASAP to quell those fears.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.