8 Actors Desperate To Hide The Truth In Movies

Tom Cruise can do anything... except play his actual height.

By Jack Pooley /

What is acting if not the art of paid bulls**ttery and telling agreed-upon lies for the audience's entertainment?


All the same, sometimes actors want to present themselves to viewers in a certain way, whereby they conceal a specific truth about themselves, whether for the sake of the film itself or to placate their own precious, fragile ego.

These 10 actors all sought to hide an obvious personal truth - perhaps a physical attribute or one of their own internal hang-ups - amid the smokescreen of cinema magic, the results of which range from absolutely convincing to... totally not.

From an actor making a game - if bungled - attempt to play a character an entire decade younger, to a performer with crippling neurosis about the way they run, to those self-conscious about their height, weight, and so on, each actor sought any means necessary to present anything but the truth of the matter.

Again, in some cases the end result is persuasive enough that the audience never even notices or once thinks about it, while in others it's close to impossible to ignore...

8. Florence Pugh Was A Decade Older Than Her Character - Little Women

Actors play characters younger or older than themselves all the time, and where a gap of a mere few years is concerned, it's almost never noticeable.


But sometimes Hollywood takes the audience's suspension of disbelief to comical, credibility-snapping levels in this regard, and that's absolutely true of Florence Pugh's casting in Greta Gerwig's terrific adaptation of Little Women.

Pugh plays Amy, the youngest of the March sisters, who at the start of the story is just 12 years old, despite Pugh herself being 22 years of age at the time of filming.

While Pugh can certainly pass for a good few years younger than her actual age, an entire decade is a stretch at best.

To make matters worse, an early scene where Amy is glimpsed at school causes the entire illusion to break down. With Pugh sat next to actual children while wearing braided hair, it's tough not to laugh at how unconvincingly she passes as a 12-year-old.

Thankfully Pugh's Oscar-nominated performance is brilliant enough that most appeared to forgive this gaffe, and in the very least, it becomes less of a problem as the movie progresses and Amy gets older.
