8 Actors Who Seriously Injured Themselves For Movies

Not what most people mean when they say Channing Tatum is "hot".

By Jen Wakely /

Let'€™s be honest: acting€™s never seemed like the hardest job in the world. It€™s not exactly bear-wrestling or working down the mines, is it? As such, it's always faintly hysterical when actors start complaining about how difficult their lives are and the suffering they go through in the name of their craft. Oh, but it's so hard to be pampered on a film set!


Do you know how terrible it is to have someone else style your hair for hours on end? And then there's pretending to be someone else! Because that isn't something children literally do for fun. However, not every actor is being metaphorical when they talk about their extreme pain.

Even with stunt people to take the (literal) fall for them in the more physically demanding scenes and CGI to pick up a lot of the slack to put them in perilous situations whilst they're actually kept safe from harm on a sound screen, some actors will still find a way to injure themselves - whether it€™s completely by accident or in the name of selling the realism of a scene. These eight actors all came to physical harm of some kind, solely for your entertainment. You'€™re welcome.
