8 Alternative Wolverine Movie Costumes We Wish We Could've Seen

Who knew Wolverine could be so sharp?

By Alex Wyse /

Well, that's it. After his incredible 17-year tenure as the cigar-chomping, mutton-chopped Wolverine, it looks like Hugh Jackman is finally hanging up the claws for good. With the release of Logan this week, fans are rejoicing and lamenting the arrival of Logan's final outing in equal measure.


While early reviews for the film have been almost universally positive, there's also a tangible sense of sadness surrounding Jackman's departure from the role; a sentiment I'm sure the movie will capitalise on.

Over the years Jackman has managed to make the role entirely his own; in fact the Wolverine we see on screen is actually quite different to his comic-book counterpart. From his tall, imposing stature (comic-book Logan is only 5'3") to his magnetic charisma (Wolverine is traditionally a caustic, feral animal with BO) there's still a lot of uncharted territory for Jackman's character.

It's very odd, for instance, that after 17 years of movies we've yet to see Wolverine don some of his most beloved (and often straight up weird) costumes. From his 'edgy' 2000's all-leather ensemble to his simplistic white tank and jeans, the movies have done a pretty impressive job steering clear of any of Logan's iconic looks, perhaps out of fear of looking corny.

And that's a real shame, given what we could have seen Jackman wear...

8. Feral Bone-Claw Wolverine

During a rather turbulent time in Wolverine's career, Magneto stripped the poor guy of all the adamantium in his body, shocking fans at the time with the revelation that Logan in fact had bone claws this whole time. Despite being extremely painful, this also caused a spike in the potency of Wolverine's healing factor, causing him to lose his mind and become increasingly feral for extremely comic book-y reasons.


His costume during this time changed ever so slightly, with minute details such as his shoulder pads coming and going, but the core of the ensemble stayed the same. Classic blue and yellow spandex, but with a bandana and out of control mutton chops acting as a stand-in for his more traditional head gear.

The movies have played with the idea of a feral Wolverine in the past - most recently in X-Men: Apocalypse - but have yet to show the insane culmination of Logan's bubbling berserker rage; which could've been truly awesome if given a chance, but hey.

Of course even if Fox did give us a feral Wolverine, it'd be highly unlikely they'd use this ostentatious outfit, and I can't really blame them. Is it weird? Yes. Is it different? Yes. Is it cool? I haven't quite decided yet.
