8 Euro Trash Movies That Really Scrape The Barrel

By Clare Simpson /

Euro Trash movies yield much fun for the ardent fan. Anyone else will be flabbergasted at their low budget production values, salubrious themes and content, dreadful acting, atrocious dubbing and the general air of sleaziness in these films plus their frequent daftness. For the Euro Trash fan, these are endearing things to be cherished in the genre. However, some Euro Trash movies are so dire, so ridiculously lame that even the most hardcore genre fan's devotion to cinematic crapulence is sorely tested. Some of these movies are so dreadful, they cannot inspire love in even the most loyal Euro Trash fans. Alternately, they can be so inept as to inspire gales of laughter from game viewers as opposed to groans. I have listed eight truly diabolical Euro Trash movies below. Please add your own below.

8. A Cat In The Brain (1990)

Late era Lucio Fulci film which has an interesting premise but is rather clumsily handled by the Great Man. It is a self reflexive film - Fulci plays himself as a horror director haunted and driven to the brink of insanity by the violence in his own films. He goes to a psychiatrist who hypnotises him into thinking he is committing murders when the psychiatrist himself is the murderer. Apparently a low rent version of Fellini's 8 1/2, A Cat in the Brain uses a lot of footage from Fulci's other (not very good) films - Ghosts of Sodom and Touch of Death. There is plenty of bloody mayhem and violence to satisfy gorehounds but the film is extremely off the wall and cheesy. Lucio appears on the screen for the vast majority of the film's running time, and when he is not on screen, there are plenty of references to 'Mr Fulci'. The acting is atrocious and completely OTT, the use of different film footage gets a bit disorienting after a while. It is obvious Fulci had great pretensions with this movie. It was essentially his swan song. You really have to watch it to see it to believe it. Opportunistic barrel scraping or Italian horror perfection? You decide.