8 Horror Movie Villains Who Don't Say A Word

Every bit silent but deadly.

By Andrew Pollard /

The horror genre is a completely mixed and varied bag where it pertains to its antagonists.


While somebody like Freddy Krueger loves to corn it up and quip wise, and while Daniel Robitaille, aka the Candyman, is as eloquent and poetic in his dialogue as they come, there are certain other horror 'villains' who go about their slicing 'n' dicing business without uttering a word.

In so many cases, silent but deadly is deemed the best approach by a slew of horror favourites.

Whether it's a demented, almost brainless bogeyman, a sinister spectre, or an all-mighty force of pure, unadulterated evil, many a horror rogue has made the silent treatment work wonders for them. And in some cases, you'd think that taking the silent approach should be a sensible approach - particularly for those whose plan of attack so often is to lurk in the shadows as they wait for the perfect time to make their clinical move.

Here then, we're shining the spotlight on eight of the very best horror bad guys and gals who've managed to cause absolute chaos and carnage over the years - all while maintaining a total silence.

8. Bughuul - Sinister

To be frank, Mr. Boogie sounds like a pretty badass name, if you ask us. Unfortunately, this Mr. Boogie isn't about swanky dance moves, toe-tapping beats, and rad fashion choices. No, this Mr. Boogie's M.O. is to silently stalk your children with the sole purpose of capturing their soul.


While Mr. Boogie is one name given to the Sinister franchise's Bughuul, the other more ominous names attached to this evil presence are Eater of Children and Devourer of Children.

If targeting the children of the world isn't messed up enough, even more alarming about Bughuul is that this Pagan deity is able to transport himself from his own twisted realm to the very real modern day through any single image of himself that remains in existence.

In the relatively recent history of the horror genre, there has been a lack of villainous characters who could be dubbed as a classic bogeyman-type figure. For those after a bogeyman fix, however, Bughuul is one of the few modern horror characters to offer that sort of presence - a mysterious, twisted being whose sole school of thought is to stalk youngsters for his own demented fun.
