8 Reasons Why Fans Should Be Worried About Spider-Man Joining The MCU

Excited about Spider-Man joining the MCU? Hold on a second...

By Josh Wilding /

Over the past week or so, fans have been rejoicing over the news that Spider-Man is going to become a member of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Sony Pictures spent a lot of money on The Amazing Spider-Man 2, but didn't get the return they expected or wanted. The negative response from fans and critics alike also made it clear that everyone had perhaps had enough of the "Amazing" Spider-Man after only two appearances. As a result, Sony made the surprising decision to start from scratch rather than attempt to fix the franchise's many issues in a third instalment. The best way to do that? Turn to Marvel Studios and Kevin Feige for help in making their Spider-Man spectacular once again. As excited as everyone seems to be about Spider-Man joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there's also an alarming lack of concern. On the surface, it is, of course, great news, but when you start to take a closer look at what this deal might really mean for both the wall-crawler and the current inhabitants of the MCU, it starts to become a little less thrilling. Here you'll find just ten reasons why Spidey's entry into the MCU might not be worth getting too hyped up about just yet. In fact, it could end up being one of the biggest mistakes Marvel Studios have ever made.
