8 Reasons Why Spider-Man Joining The Avengers Is A Bad Idea (For Marvel)

The Marvel Cinematic Universe doesn't need Peter Parker.

By Alex Leadbeater /

It's testament to the strength of Marvel's name that "There's a new Spider-Man reboot" has been treated as something akin to the second coming. In case you haven't heard, Spider-Man is coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, paying off months of speculation following the disappointment of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and those leaked Sony emails. Now there's no denying that this is a pretty cool development. Spider-Man is one of the most iconic superheroes ever created and there's no franchise bigger than the MCU. It's certainly great news for Sony, who have been flailing wildly with the series since Spider-Man 3, and promises fans a truly faithful representation if Peter Parker. Everybody wins. Well, almost everyone. The one party in this whole deal you feel is getting short-changed is Marvel. They're already running massive series which really doesn't need Spider-Man, either as an enhancer or, as various elements of the announcement reveal, a crutch. This isn't going to be something that destroys the MCU (they're now at the point where some seismic shift would be needed for that to happen), but it could certainly be a crack in the shield. The ultimate films that this deal leads to will no doubt be a cut above the Amazing series everyone's had to suffer through in recent years, but you can't escape that this may not have been Marvel's most shrewd decision.
