8 Ridiculously Awesome Movie Crossovers (That Could Actually Happen)

"Angry, I always am."

By Alex Leadbeater /

Crossovers used to be the death-knell of a franchise. Marking the point where original appeal had waned and gimmicks were the only way to keep a past-it idea going. There were a few successes, sure, but most didn't go beyond the novelty of seeing two things not normally on screen together being on screen together. There's a reason Yogi's Ark Lark has been wiped from the cultural memory (oh yes, The Simpsons Guy is far from the first case of lazily mashing together characters). Nowadays, however, crossovers are the backbone of the blockbuster industry, motivating increasingly adventurous mega-franchises. At some point in the mid-noughties Hollywood managed to convince audiences they didn't mind films not being stand-alone experiences and the notion that separate characters should come together eventually became the norm. It all kicked off with The Avengers, which made previous cynical meet-ups (Freddy Vs. Jason, Alien Vs. Predator) feel like distant memories, and now everyone's getting in on the act - expect Batman and Superman, Godzilla and King Kong, and Dracula and Frankenstein to all meet in the coming years. Now those ideas are all pretty cool, but are there some cooler potential crossovers that could be made? Of course there are. Here are eight crossovers that would probably melt the internet if they ever happened. And, deliriously, thanks to the properties being owned by the same studios, they actually could. Some will likely have happened before the decade is out, whereas others are most certainly geek fantasies, but they'd all be awesome.
