8 Star Wars Mysteries You Didn't Know Were Answered

Who did that skull belong to that Luke Skywalker threw in Jabba's Palace?

By Gareth Morgan /

The galaxy far, far away is an incredibly detailed and ever-growing place, one over-flowing with mysteries that have actually still not been solved to this day.


Take the whole Maz Kanata getting her hands on the Skywalker lightsaber drama, for example. A few sequel movies and TV series later, and fans are still no closer to learning how she officially came to possess such a legendary weapon.

Thankfully, though, not all intriguing Star Wars mysteries have been left annoyingly unanswered, folks. Some were even secretly solved long ago, but the fact many of these events occurred in material away from the big-screen likely resulted in you not learning of the truth... until now.

The real reason a certain Sith Lord gave out a quite specific command to an iconic bounty hunter? Why two fan-favourite Force-users possessed the same lightsaber hilt? And what ever happened to Padmé Amidala's loyal decoy handmaiden?

All of the fascinating answers to these Star Wars mysteries and more are about to revealed.

And a quick shout out to the always curious fans over on r/StarWars, with this thread right here inspiring the mysterious list you're about to explore.

8. Why Did Vader Stress "No Disintegrations!"? - Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

He may not have uttered all that many lines in the original trilogy, but whenever he did, the iconic Boba Fett certainly made them count.


And his small part in an exchange with the Dark Lord of the Sith himself Darth Vader during Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back left many wondering what in the hell he'd been up to in the time before showing up on the Executor Star Dreadnought.

As Vader tells the various bounty hunters he'd gathered on the ship he'd offer a "substantial reward" for the person who could bring him the Millennium Falcon, he notes that they can use any method necessary as long as the crew are brought back alive. And it's here when he stresses to Fett in particular that there would be "no disintegrations!", with Boba replying with a simple "as you wish."

Folks long wondered why Vader would chuck out such a specific threat at Fett here. But it was eventually revealed in the From A Certain Point Of View anthology book that this was actually a response to Boba's actions on Coruscant before the events of Empire.

You see, Fett ended up disintegrating three rebel spies with a weapon accelerator when they tried to attack him on that planet. And then when he tried to collect the bounty on them, an incensed Vader refused to pay up due to there now being no bodies.

In other words, Vader knew what Fett was capable of in Episode V, and made a point out of ensuring there wouldn't be a repeat of the Coruscant debacle.
